Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Archived by Victoria Schwabb

Hey guys! It's definitely been awhile and I apologize for my long break. I constantly go between whether or not I want to continue with my blog or not, but hey! Today I have a review and I'm really excited because this review is for a book that I added to my all time favorites! The Archived by Victoria Schwabb. Now, I have been having issues with reading series but with this book, I will be getting the sequel.

Now, I will be honest and say that I had really no clue what this book was about when I bought it, but I fell in love with the cover and tanked. I am beyond grateful that I did.
Mackenzie Bishop is not your typical 16 year old teenager. She holds a secret that no one must ever find out except for those already involved. Still reeling from the death of her Da, as well as the death of her little brother Ben, Mackenzie mostly keeps to herself, and most importantly avoids touching anyone at all costs. Mackenzie is a Keeper for the Archived. Tasked with returning Histories that have been awoken back to the Archived. A dangerous job that must be done. When Mac and her family move to a new apartment, her job becomes much harder, someone is altering and erasing histories, and Mac must race against time to fix all that has been lost.

I will avoid giving away anymore than that. I really feel that it is best to go into this book knowing as little as possible. Anyways, I LOVE THIS BOOK. The writing style is so unique and really entrancing. I guess you could say that there was instant love, however, it's not overwhelming and upon hearing the story behind it, the romance with one character makes sense. There is a major twist in this book that I did not see coming whatsoever. I literally gasped in shock, but isn't that the magic of books? This book has a lot going on and several characters but it is put together so well that it is easy to keep up with. It is such an engaging read that I stayed up until 5:00am because I HAD to finish it.

You really feel for Mackenzie and all that she is going through. A lot of time it just feels so hopeless but she manages to keep herself together. She is so strong and she remains one of my favorite female characters of all time.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Please go check it out! 5 out of 5 stars for sure!
I will absolutely be on the look out for The Unbound coming out on January 28, 2014.

I now leave you with some of my favorite quotes!

""A History..." You pull out a cigarette, roll it between your fingers. "You might think of it as a ghost, but that's not what it is, really. Histories are records.""

"Servamus Memoriam" "We Protect the Past"

"When you lie to everyone about everything, what's left? What's true?"
"Nothing," I say.

 ""You know, I used to think that when you died you lost everything." He starts down the hall, talking as he goes, so I'm forced to follow. "That's what made me so sad about death, even more than the fact that you couldn't live anymore; it was that you lost all the things you'd spent your life collecting, all the memories and knowledge...""

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